Mealtime Strategies for Picky Eaters

Mealtimes can be incredibly frustrating, and often stressful for all family members, when you have a picky eater at home. Check out these strategies that you can implement to help make meal time go smoothly while also introducing your child to new foods!

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Hillary Guest
Occupational Therapy? What’s That?

Occupational therapy focuses on an individual's ability to participate in everyday life activities, including all of the things that they want and need to do every day, such as taking care of oneself. Read more about how occupational therapy services can support a child’s needs in a variety of areas.

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Hillary Guest
Incorporating Speech and Language in Routines: Getting Dressed

Routines are the perfect opportunity to work on your child’s speech and language. First of all, routines are something you’re going to be doing everyday, which means that you don’t need to add one more thing into your day (honestly, who has time for that?). And, it doesn’t require sitting at the table, drilling them, so working on their speech and language may feel a little more enjoyable and less like you’re “testing” them. Keep reading to see how you can easily incorporate speech and language into your daily morning routine, while still enjoying quality time with your child!

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Hillary Guest